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EPAM School Events

EPAM School hosts events for software engineers, QA experts, designers, project managers, and other tech professionals to connect, network, and learn from the industry’s top talents.

On this page, you can register for an upcoming webinar or access recordings of past events.

Our Events

Product Management in IT

During the webinar, will dedicate to share valuable insights into product management and help professionals like you excel in this field.


Mariia Shugurova

Senior Product Manager at EPAM 

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The Software Position that will not be taken over by...

We will discuss the emergence of new software benefits, how artificial intelligence is disrupting software engineering and architecture...


Maksym Diabin

Solution Architect II

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Cloud & DevOps as a Career and Lifestyle Driver

During the webinar, we will focus on sharing insights into the benefits and challenges of infrastructure migration to the cloud...


Svitlana Podkopaieva

Lead Technical Writer

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Diving into IT: from the Ocean to Business...

Explore the journey from oceanology to IT, uncovering Business Analysis and Business Intelligence roles, EPAM's influence, and IT...


Nikolai Popov

Senior BI Analyst at EPAM 

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Group 101465 (4)

Learning by doing

Receive access to various resources including full access to study materials through the platform and take part in real life practice cases and get feedback from experts.

Group 101656 (1)

Career services

Supporting you during and after completing the program and helping to build your profiles, form the strategy for your application process and prepare for mock interviews.

Group 101657

Individual mentoring

Personal mentors ensure that you remain motivated and get the most out of the course. With the help of a mentor, students can stay focused and finish their program with confidence.